
20 Ideas How to Make $1 000 as a Teenager: Creative Ways to Earn Money

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Are you a teenager looking to make some extra cash? You’re not alone. Many teens are eager to earn money, whether it’s to save up for something special, help out with family expenses, or simply have some spending money. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways for teens to make $1000 or more. In this article, we’ll explore 20 ideas for making money as a teenager.

Some of these ideas may require a bit of creativity, while others are more straightforward. Some may require a bit of time and effort, while others can be done quickly and easily. But all of these ideas have one thing in common: they’re legitimate ways for teens to earn money. Whether you’re looking to start a small business, offer your services to others, or simply take advantage of online opportunities, there’s sure to be an idea here that will work for you. So, let’s get started!

Understanding the Value of Money

As a teenager, it’s important to understand the value of money and how to manage it. Learning how to budget, save, and invest your money wisely can help you achieve your financial goals and build a strong foundation for your future.

Here are a few tips to help you understand the value of money:

  • Track your spending: Keeping track of your expenses can help you identify areas where you can cut back and save money. Use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to track your income and expenses each month.
  • Set financial goals: Setting specific financial goals can help you stay motivated and focused on your financial future. Whether you want to save for college, a car, or a trip, having a clear goal in mind can help you make better financial decisions.
  • Understand the power of compound interest: Investing your money in a savings account or other investment vehicle can help your money grow over time thanks to the power of compound interest. By starting to invest at a young age, you can take advantage of the power of compounding and potentially earn more money over time.
  • Learn to delay gratification: Delaying gratification means putting off immediate rewards in order to achieve long-term goals. This can be difficult, especially when you’re surrounded by friends who are spending money on things you want. However, learning to delay gratification can help you make smarter financial decisions and achieve your goals more quickly.

By understanding the value of money and learning how to manage it wisely, you can set yourself up for a financially secure future.

How to Make $1 000 as a Teenager?

Online Surveys

One of the easiest ways to make money online as a teenager is by participating in online surveys. Many websites pay you for sharing your opinions and feedback on various products and services. Here are some of the best-paid online survey websites for teenagers:

WebsiteAge RequirementPayment Method
OneOpinion13+PayPal, Gift Cards
E-Poll Surveys13+PayPal, Gift Cards
YouGov14+PayPal, Gift Cards
Harris Poll13+PayPal, Gift Cards
Ipsos I-Say14+PayPal, Gift Cards
SpringBoard America14+PayPal, Gift Cards

To get started with online surveys, all you need to do is sign up with several survey websites and complete your profile. This will help the websites send you surveys that match your interests and demographics. Once you receive a survey invitation, make sure to complete it accurately and honestly to ensure that you get paid.

Keep in mind that online surveys may not make you rich, but they can be a great way to earn some extra cash in your spare time. The amount you can earn per survey varies depending on the website and the length of the survey, but you can expect to earn anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars per survey.

Overall, online surveys can be a simple and convenient way for teenagers to earn money online. Just make sure to sign up with legitimate survey websites and be patient as you start to receive survey invitations.

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is a great way for teenagers to make money online. With the rise of content marketing, businesses and individuals are constantly looking for high-quality content to promote their products and services. As a freelance writer, you can create blog posts, articles, social media posts, and other types of content that businesses need.

Content Mills

One way to get started with freelance writing is to sign up with content mills. These are websites that connect writers with clients who need content. While the pay may not be as high as other freelance writing opportunities, content mills are a great way to gain experience and build your portfolio.

Some popular content mills for freelance writers include:

  • Textbroker
  • iWriter
  • HireWriters
  • WriterAccess


Another way to make money as a teenage writer is through self-publishing. With the rise of e-books and self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, it’s easier than ever to publish your own work and make money from it.

To get started with self-publishing, you’ll need to write your own book or e-book. You can then publish it on platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing, Kobo Writing Life, and Smashwords. While self-publishing can be a great way to make money, it’s important to note that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to succeed.

In conclusion, freelance writing is a great way for teenagers to make money online. Whether you choose to write for content mills or self-publish your own work, there are plenty of opportunities available to get started. With hard work and dedication, you can turn your writing skills into a profitable business.


Tutoring is a great way for teenagers to make money while helping others. If you excel in a particular subject, you can use your knowledge to tutor others who are struggling. Here are some tips for starting a tutoring business:

  • Determine your target market: Are you looking to tutor younger students, high schoolers, or college students? What subjects are you most knowledgeable in?
  • Set your rates: Look at what other tutors in your area are charging and set your rates accordingly. You can charge by the hour or by the session.
  • Advertise your services: Let people know that you’re available to tutor. You can post flyers at local schools or community centers, or create a website or social media page.
  • Be prepared: Make sure you have a solid understanding of the subject you’re tutoring. Prepare lesson plans and materials ahead of time.
  • Be professional: Treat your tutoring business like a job. Show up on time, dress appropriately, and be prepared to work.

Tutoring can be a rewarding way to make money as a teenager. Not only do you get to help others, but you also get to develop your own skills and knowledge in the process.

Crafting and Selling

Crafting and selling handmade items can be a great way for teenagers to earn some extra cash. With the rise of online marketplaces and local craft fairs, it has never been easier to turn your creative hobbies into a profitable venture. Here are some ideas for crafting and selling:


Etsy is an online marketplace that specializes in handmade, vintage, and unique items. It is a great platform for teenagers to sell their handmade crafts and artwork. Setting up an Etsy store is easy and affordable, and it allows you to reach a global audience.

To be successful on Etsy, it is important to create high-quality products that stand out from the competition. Consider offering custom orders and personalized items to attract more customers. Additionally, be sure to optimize your product listings with clear photos, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing.

Local Craft Fairs

Local craft fairs are another great option for selling handmade items. They provide a platform for you to showcase your products to a local audience and connect with other crafters in your community.

To participate in a craft fair, you will need to pay a fee for a booth and prepare your products for display. Be sure to create eye-catching displays that showcase your products in an attractive and professional way. Additionally, consider offering discounts or special deals to attract more customers to your booth.

Crafting and selling can be a fun and rewarding way for teenagers to earn extra money. With a little creativity and hard work, you can turn your passion for crafting into a profitable business.


Babysitting is a classic way for teenagers to make money. Parents are always in need of a reliable babysitter, and you can use your skills and experience to earn some cash. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your babysitting gigs:

  • Set your rates: Babysitting jobs for teenagers typically pay between $5 and $15 per hour, depending on your experience and the needs of the children. Consider starting with a base rate and adding a couple of dollars per hour per kid. For example, you could charge $7 per hour for one child, and an additional $2 per hour for each additional child.
  • Build your reputation: Word of mouth is a powerful tool, especially in the world of babysitting. If you do a great job, parents are likely to recommend you to their friends and neighbors. Be reliable, punctual, and professional, and you’ll soon build a reputation as a trustworthy and responsible babysitter.
  • Be prepared: Before you start babysitting, make sure you have everything you need. This includes a first aid kit, emergency contact information, and any necessary supplies (such as diapers, wipes, or snacks). You should also be prepared to handle any emergencies that may arise, such as a child getting sick or injured.
  • Be creative: Babysitting doesn’t have to be boring! Come up with fun and engaging activities to keep the kids entertained. This could include playing games, doing crafts, or reading books. The more creative you are, the more likely the kids will be to have a great time and ask their parents to hire you again.

Overall, babysitting can be a great way for teenagers to make money. By setting your rates, building your reputation, being prepared, and being creative, you can become a sought-after babysitter in your community.

Pet Sitting and Dog Walking

Pet sitting and dog walking can be a great way for teenagers to make money while also getting to spend time with furry friends. Many pet owners are willing to pay for someone to take care of their pets while they are away, and teenagers can take advantage of this demand by offering their services.

There are a few different ways to get started with pet sitting and dog walking. One option is to sign up for a website or app like Rover, which connects pet owners with pet sitters and dog walkers. Through Rover, teenagers can offer their services and set their own rates. Another option is to advertise locally, either through flyers or by word of mouth.

When it comes to pricing, it’s important to be competitive while also making sure that the rates cover time and expenses. Pet sitters and dog walkers can charge anywhere from $5 to $30 per visit, depending on the services provided and the location. It’s important to consider factors like transportation costs, time spent with the pet, and any additional services (like feeding or administering medication).

In addition to pet sitting and dog walking, teenagers can also offer other pet-related services like pet grooming, pet photography, and pet training. These services can be a great way to expand offerings and increase income. However, it’s important to make sure that the teenager has the necessary skills and training to provide these services safely and effectively.

Overall, pet sitting and dog walking can be a great way for teenagers to make money while also getting to spend time with animals. By setting competitive rates and providing high-quality services, teenagers can build a loyal customer base and establish themselves as trusted pet sitters and dog walkers.

Yard Work for Neighbors

One of the most classic ways to make money as a teenager is by offering yard work services to your neighbors. Many people are willing to pay for help with their yard, especially during the summer months when the grass grows quickly and the weeds seem to never stop sprouting.

To get started, you can knock on doors and introduce yourself to your neighbors. Let them know that you are available to help with yard work and ask if they need any assistance. Be sure to mention any specific services you can offer, such as mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, or trimming hedges.

It’s also a good idea to have a clear pricing structure in place. You can charge by the hour or by the job, depending on what works best for you and your customers. Be sure to communicate your rates clearly and upfront, so there are no misunderstandings later on.

To make your yard work services stand out, you can also offer additional services such as planting flowers or vegetables, cleaning up debris, or even painting outdoor furniture. These extra touches can help you build a loyal customer base and increase your earnings over time.

Overall, offering yard work services to your neighbors is a great way to make money as a teenager. It’s a simple and straightforward business model that can be scaled up or down depending on your availability and the demand in your area. With a little hard work and dedication, you can turn your yard work services into a successful and profitable venture.

Selling Unwanted Items

As a teenager, you may have a lot of unused or unwanted items lying around your home. These items can be a great source of income if you sell them online. Here are two popular platforms to sell your unwanted items:


eBay is one of the oldest and most popular online marketplaces for buying and selling goods. It offers a wide range of categories, including electronics, fashion, home goods, and more. To sell on eBay, you need to create an account and list your items for sale. You can set your own price, and eBay will take a small percentage of the final sale price as a fee.

To maximize your sales on eBay, make sure to take clear and attractive photos of your items and write detailed descriptions. Also, consider offering free shipping or bundle deals to attract more buyers.

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is a newer platform that allows you to buy and sell items within your local community. It is a great option if you want to sell items quickly and avoid shipping costs. To sell on Facebook Marketplace, you need to have a Facebook account and list your items for sale.

One advantage of Facebook Marketplace is that you can see the profiles of potential buyers and communicate with them directly through Facebook Messenger. This can help you build trust and negotiate prices more easily. However, be cautious when meeting up with buyers in person and make sure to take safety precautions.

In summary, selling unwanted items online can be a great way to make money as a teenager. eBay and Facebook Marketplace are two popular platforms to consider. Make sure to take high-quality photos, write detailed descriptions, and price your items competitively to maximize your sales.

Starting a YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel can be a great way to make money as a teenager. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but if you’re willing to put in the effort, it can be a very rewarding experience. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Choose a niche: The first step in starting a successful YouTube channel is to choose a niche. This could be anything from gaming to beauty to cooking. The key is to choose something that you’re passionate about and that you can create content around consistently.
  • Invest in equipment: While you don’t need the most expensive equipment to start a YouTube channel, it’s important to invest in some basic gear. This includes a good camera, microphone, and lighting. You want your videos to look and sound professional.
  • Create high-quality content: The most important aspect of a successful YouTube channel is the content. You want to create videos that are engaging, informative, and entertaining. Make sure to put effort into editing and post-production to make your videos stand out.
  • Promote your channel: Once you’ve created some videos, it’s important to promote your channel. Share your videos on social media, collaborate with other YouTubers, and engage with your audience. The more exposure your channel gets, the more likely you are to gain subscribers and make money.

Starting a YouTube channel can be a fun and rewarding way to make money as a teenager. With the right niche, equipment, and content, you can build a loyal following and potentially earn a substantial income.


Blogging can be a great way to make money as a teenager. It’s a platform where you can share your thoughts and ideas with the world while earning a decent income. If you have a passion for writing, then blogging is the perfect way to express yourself and make money at the same time.

To start blogging, you need to choose a niche that you’re passionate about. It could be anything from fashion to technology, lifestyle to travel. Once you’ve chosen your niche, you need to create a blog and start writing quality content that will attract readers.

To make money from your blog, you can use various methods such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertising. Affiliate marketing involves promoting products and services on your blog and earning a commission for every sale that is made through your unique affiliate link. Sponsored posts involve writing content for a brand or company and getting paid for it. Advertising involves displaying ads on your blog and earning money for every click or impression.

Blogging requires patience, hard work, and dedication. You need to consistently create quality content and engage with your readers to build a loyal following. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, but with time and effort, you can make a decent income from blogging.

Here are some tips for successful blogging:

  • Choose a niche that you’re passionate about
  • Create quality content that provides value to your readers
  • Engage with your readers through comments and social media
  • Promote your blog through social media and other channels
  • Use SEO techniques to optimize your blog for search engines
  • Monetize your blog through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertising

Blogging is a great way to express yourself, share your ideas with the world, and make money as a teenager. With hard work and dedication, you can turn your blog into a successful business.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money online, and it can be a great option for teenagers who are looking to earn some extra cash. With affiliate marketing, you promote other people’s products and earn a commission for each sale that you generate.

To get started with affiliate marketing, you will need to find a niche that you are interested in and start promoting products within that niche. You can find affiliate programs for almost any niche, from beauty and fashion to technology and gaming.

One of the most popular affiliate programs for teenagers is Amazon Associates. With Amazon Associates, you can promote products from Amazon and earn a commission for each sale that you generate. Amazon Associates is a great option for teenagers because it is easy to sign up for and there are millions of products to promote.

To be successful with affiliate marketing, you will need to create high-quality content that promotes the products you are promoting. This could include blog posts, social media posts, videos, and more. You will also need to build an audience that is interested in the products you are promoting.

Overall, affiliate marketing can be a great way for teenagers to make money online. It does require some effort and dedication, but with the right strategy, it can be a lucrative source of income.

Graphic Design

If you have an eye for design and creativity, graphic design could be a great way to make money as a teenager. With the growth of digital media, there is a high demand for graphic designers who can create visually appealing content for websites, social media, and other digital platforms.

To get started, you can create a portfolio of your work and showcase it on social media or freelance platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. You can also reach out to local businesses or organizations and offer your services to create flyers, logos, or other promotional materials.

Some tips to succeed in graphic design as a teenager:

  • Stay up to date with the latest design trends and software.
  • Communicate effectively with clients to understand their needs and preferences.
  • Set realistic deadlines and manage your time effectively.
  • Be open to feedback and willing to make revisions to your work.

By providing high-quality design services, you can earn a good income as a teenage graphic designer.


If you have a knack for photography, you can turn your passion into a profitable venture. Here are some ways to make money with your photography skills:

  • Sell your photos online: You can sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock, iStock, and Adobe Stock. These websites pay you a percentage of the sale every time someone downloads your photo. You can also sell your photos directly to clients through your own website or social media pages.
  • Offer photography services: You can offer your photography services to people in your community. You can take photos at events like weddings, birthdays, and graduations, or offer portrait photography services. You can advertise your services through social media, flyers, or word of mouth.
  • Create a photography blog: If you have a passion for photography and writing, you can create a photography blog. You can share your photos and write about your experiences, techniques, and tips. You can monetize your blog through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content.
  • Teach photography: If you have a lot of experience in photography, you can teach others how to take great photos. You can offer photography classes or workshops in your community. You can also create online courses and sell them on platforms like Udemy or Skillshare.

Remember, photography is a competitive field, so you need to be professional and stand out from the crowd. Invest in quality equipment, develop your skills, and build a strong portfolio. With dedication and hard work, you can turn your love for photography into a lucrative career.


Coding is a valuable skill that can help you earn money as a teenager. Here are some ways you can make money coding:

  • Create and sell websites: Many businesses need websites, and if you have the skills to create them, you can make money by selling your services. You can start by building a portfolio of websites you have created and showcasing them to potential clients.
  • Develop mobile apps: Mobile apps are in high demand, and if you can develop them, you can make a lot of money. You can create your own app and sell it on app stores or work with clients to develop apps for them.
  • Design and sell WordPress themes and plugins: WordPress is a popular platform for websites, and if you can design themes and plugins for it, you can make money. You can sell your themes and plugins on marketplaces like ThemeForest or CodeCanyon.
  • Participate in coding contests: Many websites and companies host coding contests that offer cash prizes. Participating in these contests can help you improve your coding skills and earn money at the same time.

If you are interested in learning how to code, there are many resources available online. Websites like Codecademy and Udemy offer courses in various coding languages, and there are many free resources available as well. With dedication and hard work, you can become a skilled coder and start earning money as a teenager.

Social Media Management

Social media management is a great way to earn money as a teenager. Many businesses, organizations, and individuals need help managing their social media accounts. As a social media manager, you will be responsible for creating content, scheduling posts, responding to comments and messages, and analyzing data to improve engagement.

To get started, you can reach out to local businesses and offer your services. You can also create a profile on freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer to find clients. Here are some tips to help you succeed as a social media manager:

  • Understand the platforms: Each social media platform is different, and you need to understand how they work to create effective content. For example, Instagram is more visual, while Twitter is more text-based. Understand the nuances of each platform to create content that resonates with the audience.
  • Create a content calendar: A content calendar helps you plan your content in advance, ensuring that you have a consistent posting schedule. This helps improve engagement and builds a loyal following.
  • Engage with the audience: Social media is all about engagement, and as a social media manager, you need to respond to comments and messages promptly. This helps build a relationship with the audience and improves engagement.
  • Analyze data: Social media platforms provide data on engagement, reach, and impressions. Analyzing this data helps you understand what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to improve your strategy.

Overall, social media management is a great way to earn money as a teenager. With the right skills and approach, you can build a successful social media management business and earn a steady income.


Dropshipping is a popular business model that allows you to sell products without holding any inventory. As a teenager, you can start your own dropshipping business and make a good amount of money.

Here’s how it works:

  1. You find a supplier that offers dropshipping services.
  2. You create an online store and list the supplier’s products on your website.
  3. When a customer orders a product from your website, you forward the order to the supplier.
  4. The supplier ships the product directly to the customer.

The profit you make is the difference between the price you charge the customer and the price the supplier charges you.

To start a dropshipping business, you need to find a niche that you’re interested in. You can use tools like Google Trends or Amazon Best Sellers to find popular products in your niche.

Once you’ve found a niche, you need to find a supplier that offers dropshipping services. You can use platforms like AliExpress, Oberlo, or SaleHoo to find suppliers.

When choosing a supplier, make sure to check their reviews and ratings. You want to work with a reliable supplier that offers good quality products and fast shipping times.

Overall, dropshipping can be a profitable business for teenagers who are willing to put in the time and effort. However, it’s important to remember that it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme and requires hard work and dedication to be successful.

Investing in Stocks

Investing in stocks can be a great way to make money as a teenager. It’s important to do your research and understand the risks involved before investing any money. Here are a few tips to get started:

  • Open a brokerage account: To invest in stocks, you’ll need to open a brokerage account. Many online brokers offer low fees and user-friendly platforms that are perfect for beginners.
  • Do your research: Before investing in any stock, it’s important to do your research. Look at the company’s financials, management team, and competitive landscape to determine if it’s a good investment.
  • Diversify your portfolio: It’s important to diversify your portfolio by investing in a variety of stocks across different industries. This can help reduce your risk and increase your chances of making money.
  • Consider long-term investments: While it can be tempting to try and make a quick profit by investing in short-term stocks, it’s often more beneficial to invest in long-term stocks. These stocks typically have a proven track record and can provide steady returns over time.
  • Be patient: Investing in stocks can be a long-term game. It’s important to be patient and not panic if your stocks experience short-term fluctuations. Stick to your investment strategy and trust in your research.

Remember, investing in stocks can be risky, so it’s important to only invest money that you can afford to lose. With careful research and a long-term investment strategy, however, investing in stocks can be a great way to make money as a teenager.


There are many ways for teenagers to make $1000. From online surveys to selling crafts on Etsy, the possibilities are endless. It’s important to remember that making money takes time and effort, and quick fixes are often too good to be true.

Some of the most effective ways to make money as a teenager include starting a blog, creating YouTube videos, and selling handmade items on Etsy. These methods require creativity and dedication, but they can be very rewarding in the long run. Another option is to take paid surveys, which can be a good way to earn money in your free time.

It’s important to be cautious when looking for ways to make money online. There are many scams out there, and it’s easy to fall for them if you’re not careful. Always do your research and read reviews before signing up for anything.

Overall, making $1000 as a teenager is possible, but it takes hard work and dedication. By exploring different options and being persistent, you can achieve your financial goals and set yourself up for success in the future.

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